Talk about a whirlwind! This trip has been jam-packed with awesome fun-ness.
We got about 4 hours of sleep and then got ready and headed to the Richmond Airport for our 6:00 AM flight to Minneapolis. Then we connected to Salt Lake City. We weren't able to sit next to each other on either flight, but that's ok because we were so tired and wanted to sleep. Jim and Wendy picked us up when we flew in at about 11:45 and we went to the Henderson household to see everyone. It was so fun! Wendy, my mother-in-law, always outdoes herself. The decorations, the gifts, the food - it was all wonderful. The little boys are obsessed with trains this year and got some Thomas the Train engine play sets. They also got some foam swords and played with those. They couldn't seem to get the helmets on quite right though :)
After opening gifts at the Henderson's, we went down to Grandma and Grandpa Cuthbert's house in Lehi. They had some amazing food, and we were so stuffed. Homemade soups, rolls, and hand-dipped chocolates were so delicious. It was so wonderful seeing everyone!

We then went to my parents house. We opened gifts (and got some sweet turquoise Vans, thanks Jared), among other awesome presents! My parents got us this awesome game with magnets and you have to avoid attracting everyone else's magnets. It'll be a great game for game night with our friends back in Richmond! We watched Salt, had hot chocolate, and then went to bed.
Sunday was also packed. We got all dolled-up for family pictures at Wheeler Farm with the Lassig side of the family and had a great time in the cold (no, seriously)! The photographer never showed up, so uncle Mark took pictures instead and they turned out fantastically. He also got some great shots of the "golden rooster." You had to see it - I'll ask him for some of the pictures and post them once I get them.

We went to David and Marci's for a late breakfast and chilling. It was so fun! I love just sitting around, talking with family members. Except about politics, which Omi and Buppi found out (lol).
Then we went back to the Henderson's to get ready for the Henderson family party up at Classic Skating in Layton. It was good to see everyone!
THEN...(are you getting tired of our itinerary???) we went to Centerville to see Grandma and Grandpa Beers and visit with them! Wayne and Annette also showed up with their kids so that was a fun surprise :)
Monday we decided to go to Classic in Salt Lake City to play with all the little boys. It was exhausting, but SO fun! They had a blast in the ball pit and sliding down the slides. The Blast Zone is a favorite for sure :)
After Classic, Jordan, Josie, Beckham, and I went to see Great Grandma Wood. She was pretty tired, but it was good to see her. She is 94! We then decided to go see Grandpa Larry and Grandma Della. They are so sweet, I always love talking with them.
And that's our trip in a nutshell! I left Monday night at 12:50 AM. Jordan stayed until Thursday morning and almost didn't make it to the airport with the huge storm - but barely made it for both flights. VERY lucky, considering that people were stranded all over the country with freak snow storms.
We were so glad we could come out for a bit and see almost everyone! We are going to hopefully come back out to Utah next March. My dear brother Jordan is going on his mission to Argentina on March 2, and Jordan's best friend Colin is getting married on March 5! I love how everything works out :) Love you all!