
Mice. Gross.

For the past few days, I've been finding little black pellets on the counter-tops. At first I thought they were bugs, and so I'd throw them away only to find more the next morning. Well, the idea popped in my head on Saturday, "What if it's mouse poop!!?" So I called maintenance and had them come check our house out. They left us with some mouse traps and cockroach spray (just in case). We set the traps and today, at 6:38 AM, Jordan heard the tell-tale snap of the trap. I got a little nauseated and then went to check it out. Yep. There was a mouse in there, and he was wriggling, trying to escape. Eventually he died. :( I am so grossed out that there was a mouse in our house! I've been cloroxing the counters and pots and pans every time I use them because I'm so freaked out. I hope there aren't any more.


Lael said...

Glad you caught the mouse. Remind Marie to tell you her "favorite" mouse story some day

Stelanie said...

eeek! Remember when we had a mouse living in our dishwasher? Haha! Hopefully that is the last one, but I would still set some traps around for a little while, just in case. :)

The Evers Family said...

Oh no, that is so gross. My stomach hurts just hearing this story.