

I have been very bad since my birthday...spending too much time relaxing!  I didn't work out for TWO whole weeks, and yesterday was the first day.  It was great.  I walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes and now my thighs are killing me!  Yes!  So - My new goal is to work out 3-4 times per week.  I'm not losing weight like I want to, and will be doing more cardio rather than weights (instead of the other way around, which made me gain weight).

Also, Jordan got the phone number of a class-mates wife who is also a nurse and I'm making it a goal to start the VCU Medical Student Spouse Association!  I also spoke with Lyanna about it and she thinks it would be a fun idea!  I really want to network with these other spouses so we can bond and be friends, because honestly, we are the only ones who know what we're going through.

These are my goals.  I will update you with my progress!

P.S.  I realized today that the pool closes on Labor Day.  I'd better get out there as often as I can!
P.S.S.  I'm addicted to the website pinterest.com.  It's awesome.  You should check it out.
P.S.S.S (does that even exist!?) I'm very ANXIOUSLY awaiting my welcome letter into Pottermore.  I will get sorted into a house in Hogwarts, get a wand, and get to experience the stories like never before.  I'm veryveryveryvery impatient!!!!!!

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