

Yesterday Jordan and I went to the Department of Occupational and Professional Licensing (DOPL) in Salt Lake to apply to become a Registered Nurse. The process was VERY fast and easy. I just gave them my application and then they fingerprinted me! After Westminster gives them my transcript, they will contact Pearson Vue, the company who runs the NCLEX, and give me an Authorization To Test (ATT). Pearson Vue will then call me with the ATT and ask me to pick out a date to test. I'm hoping for sometime in June, after our immediate family on Jordan's side goes on a cruise. Until then, however, I'm studying two hours each day with the Hurst review, Saunders review, Incredibly Easy review, and online study aids!! Ahh! I will conquer this test!

On another note, Jordan's mom, Wendy Henderson, was on the news yesterday! See her story here. The story is about her running her 50th marathon before the age of 50. She is truly an inspiration and motivation to accomplish goals that you set for yourself. The marathon is tomorrow in Ogden, and we will all be there cheering her on!


Jenae said...

What an awesome story about your MIL. Tell her congrats and that she's an inspiration! Good luck with your RN test!

Stelanie said...

That was a really great story! She's incredible.