I’ll going to do my best to do monthly updates on Jonah and his development and growth! It will be so great to look back on these things. I also got a 5 year journal at Target that has you write a little sentence of what happened that day. I’m so excited to go back and read all the little things that happened!
When we left the hospital, little Jonah was down to 5 pounds 13 ounces. So, so little. I remember how light he felt - it didn’t take any effort to lift him.
A few days after Jonah was born, my mom was able to come out and help us! It was awesome! She cleaned our house, made us frozen dinners, and we all just hung out and had a great time! She loved holding her first grandchild and is so happy to be a new “Mimi!”
Jonah and I basically hung out in my room for the first few weeks. Everyone was right - all newborns do is eat, sleep, and poop! One night he went through six outfits! I was blown away. I never anticipated how much extra laundry I would have to do. But it is all worth it. One night around his first week, he peed in Jordan’s face while we were changing his diaper. It was SO funny and I laugh every time I think about it.
With every diaper change I had to put some gauze with vaseline on his circumcision site. It healed up well.
April 30 was his first well-baby checkup. He was up to 6 pounds 2 ounces! All that eating was definitely doing something. The doctor was impressed with how strong he is and that he had such good control of his head. A little later that evening, his cord fell off! I was so surprised!
From the very beginning Jonah has been a very good eater. He seems to know exactly how to latch on and is a strong sucker. In the first month he loved to hold my finger while eating and would smile at the end of every feeding. It melted my heart! He would also become completely “milk drunk” where he would be completely relaxed after eating. That milk is good stuff, you know! He would eat about every 1.5 to 3 hours.
At my lactation consultant appointment about a week and a half after he was born, he was up to 6 pounds 9 ounces! Then at his 2 week appointment he was up to 7 pounds 6 ounces, 20.5 inches long, and 35 cm head circumference. He was started on Vitamin D drops at the 2 week appointment also.
Mother’s Day was such a fun first celebration for us all! We relaxed and went on a walk. It was perfect.
May 14 was momentous for me because Jonah went 4 hours in between feedings! That was the longest I had slept since he was born. It was short lived though, because he went through a growth spurt the next few days, and was eating every 1.5 to 2 hours. He would scream and scream if his needs weren’t met immediately and would become red in the face and almost stop breathing. It scared me! Around this time he started spitting up a few times a day.
Jonah is able to sleep through almost anything! He can sleep through the vacuum, even when I’m vacuuming in the same room, and once there was a jackhammer going outside our front door that he slept through as well! It makes me so glad!!
Wendy came to help us on May 19! It was so great to have her there. She got us lots of groceries, helped organize our house, and planted flowers in our front planter!
Jonah rolled over for the first time on May 21! At first I thought it was a fluke, but then he did it 2 more times! He also rolled over multple times the next day! He has such great control of his head, neck, and back muscles.
Jonah gave me a yeast infection (boo!) and I had to take two rounds of fluconazole for it. It helped, but it gave both of us such an upset stomach. I felt so bad for Jonah. He was waking up multiple times a night and pooping so much. Thankfully I don’t have to take it again!
We successfully held off on binkies and bottles until he was 4 weeks! By that time, he had become a champion breastfeeder so I wasn’t worried about him becoming confused. He took a bottle very well (we use Tommee Tippee) that night when Jordan and I went out on our first date since he was born!
He also had his first social smile on May 24! It was so heartwarming, I almost started crying. He has the most beautiful smile, and is so happy!
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