Today was the first time I have had a migraine since May of last year. I thought they were behind me, and what a glorious thing that would have been. Too bad my brain or blood vessels or hormones hate me. It is not really known what causes migraines, or what an effective way is to treat them. So home treatment is usually what people do, unless they want to go to the hospital to get the lovely Imitrix shot, which I thankfully have never had to recieve.
Usually about 15 minutes before I get a migraine, I get an aura. Only 15-20% of people get these auras, and they are different for every person. My auras are white spots that completely block my vision. For example, one time when I was talking to a gentleman, my aura cut off the top half of this mans body. I could not see his face or where I was looking - SLIGHTLY freaky! Auras are useful, though, because they are a warning sign to you to get home to a dark, quiet room and take some medicine. Today however, I did not get an aura.
I was helping my landlady around 0830, getting her blood sugar, blood pressure, and weight, when it came like a ton of bricks. Everything was very loud to me and I thought it was just another horrible headache, because there wasn't the aura. Oh no. I did the dishes and went to my bedroom to lay down, hoping it would go away. I lay there for about an hour. Another unpleasant side effect of migraines is extreme nausea and vomiting. That is all I will say there for people who are queasy.
I finally called the only person close enough to help me, my lovely mother-in-law Wendy. She came immediately over with some Extra Strength Excedrin (the only thing that works for me), some coke (caffeine always helps), and ice for my head. It was lovely. I slept for about two hours and when I woke up, the majority of the migraine was gone. It still hurt when I stood up and walked around. I swear I was experiencing some orthostatic hypotension (when your blood pressure plummets as you stand - not a good thing) in addition to the migraine.
These things are so debilitating. You literally cannot do anything - can't have ANY noise, ANY light, can't move, can't cry, can hardly talk - because all this will provoke it. I think mine are stress induced, and the extreme stress of school began it. Thankfully, I don't get migraines that often KNOCK ON WOOD.